1060-1074 Halsey Street
Between Bushwick and Evergreen Avenues
Block 3409, Lots 24-31
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Year Built: 1889
Building Type: Brick Row House
Architectural Style:
Architect: Cozine & Gascoine
Builder: Cozine & Gascoine
Original Owner: Cozine & Gascoine
History and Analysis
Eight adjacent two story over raised basement (3 story) brick row houses with existing raised front stoop. Original cornices have been removed and original siding replaced with modern materials. These eight buildings are all that remain of an original row of 10 houses. Each house had a reported construction cost of $2800//.[1]
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Real Estate and Builders Guide, Vol. 44, September 14, 1889, p.1254 (NB# 1889-2111)