1036 Jefferson Avenue

1036 Jefferson Avenue

Between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway
Block 3387, Lot 13

1036 Jefferson Avenue (2011) Credit: Dianne Pierce O’Brien

Year Built: 1886-1898
Building Type: Rowhouse
Architect: Unknown
Builder: Unknown
Original Owner: Unknown

History and Analysis

1036 Jefferson Avenue is a two-and-a-half story, freestanding rowhouse located between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway. It is covered in vinyl siding, has a stoop on the right side of the front facade, and has had much of its original ornament removed. Since the structure is surrounded by empty lots, it can most likely be assumed that the building was originally part of a row of speculative development rowhouses spanning Jefferson Avenue, reflecting the typical development patterns of the area between 1886 and 1898.

Additional Section/ Additional Photography

According to the United States Census of 1900, there was one large and one smaller family living in the rowhouse, neither with servants. Both families were renters, and almost everyone in the rowhouse and their parents were born in the United States. The family heads were a policeman and a cloth salesman.
