1020 Hancock Street

1020 Hancock Street

Between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway
Block 3394, Lot 27

1020 Hancock Street (2011) Credit: Dianne Pierce O’Brien

Year Built: 1885
Building Type: Detached Single-Family House
Architect: Theobald M. Engelhardt
Builder: William Widnall
Original Owner: William Widnall

History and Analysis

1020 Hancock Street is a single three bay, two-story detached, single-family house located between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway. It is covered in vinyl siding, but retains its original cornice and porch. The wood framed, brick filled structure with a tin roof was designed Theobald M. Englehardt. It was commissioned by William Widnall of 1073 DeKalb Avenue in 1885 for $2,500.

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